2023-09-23 Poolesville NDEW

This year’s National Drive Electric Week event in Poolesville was … weather challenged. Had a tropical storm stop by, which made for a windy, rainy, chilly day. The event went on, but shut down by noon, as there were very few folks willing to brave those weather conditions.

Pictures provided below for your viewing enjoyment.

2023-08-06 See The World’s Largest Rubber Duck

Quack quack quack thanks to Mark Czajka and Katie Warner and all the other volunteers quack quack quack

Lots of Tesla owners from the Tesla Owners Club of Maryland and related Facebook groups including Tesla Owners Southern Maryland converged in Leonardtown on Sunday August 8 to see the World’s Largest Rubber Duck during Wharf Fest. We had our own reserved parking and even got a special deal at Kneaded Bakery.

And then there was the duck. It was Big, as proven by the photo gallery below.

2023-07-11 Tesla Tuesday at True Respite

The July 2023 gathering at True Respite had a turnout that was possibly a record-breaker. Many new faces, many old faces, all smiling and having a great time. There was even a coordinated light show when the sun went down. And an excellent cake.