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2023 Holiday Party
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2023 Holiday Party

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If you have questions or comments about the 2023 Holiday Party, this is the place! Remember that Plaid members will be invited first, then Ludicrous, then Standard, then Chill, then Public, then everyone. The event link with registration information will appear on your home page when your tier is being invited.

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Plaid tier members of the Club should be getting email by the end of November. We'll wait a few days, then invite Ludicrous members, wait a few days, Standard, and so on, until we get to Public, then a few days, then post the link on Facebook if there are still any spaces available.

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Whohoo!  Lea Ann (2023 Model Y LR) and I (2023 Model 3 SR) just signed up for the party and can’t wait to see everyone!

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Plaid, Ludicrous, and Standard members got the invites. As of now there are 24 slots left. Chill members get the invite on Saturday, Public on Monday, and then the event opens up for anyone on Tuesday.

There are more than 24 Chill members, and a lot more Public members.

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Couple of updates. One, we're at waitlist capacity now, so if you know you can't make it, please let us know / cancel your registration so others on the waitlist can get registered.

Two, probably the much more interesting one... Tesla will be moving the CyberTruck that's currently at Montgomery Mall over to the Rockville location where the party is, when the party is scheduled, so it'll be there for the party. Apparently it won’t be there for the entire weekend, so this is completely a party perk, thanks to Tesla.

The first email to all registered attendees will go out tonight with this and some other information. We are going to try something new for party registration this time, using a QR code that's unique to each person that we will scan to check you in. Logistics are still being fully defined, but don't be surprised to get a wrist band to "authorize" you for the catered food and a raffle ticket fora chance to win some prizes at check-in time.

This post was modified 1 year ago by Michael Matthews

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Some more updates for the holiday party on Saturday:

  • As we are expecting 100 registered attendees, plus the Tesla showroom draw from the CyberTruck, there will probably be limited parking at the Tesla showroom. There is a public garage right next door at Best Buy, but they close at 8PM. We are continuing to look at other options here, but carpooling where possible would be a good idea.
  • Food will be provided by Mission BBQ again. Please respond to this email if you have special dietary needs so we can try to accomodate.
  • To get a feel for the party, take a look at last year's picture slide show.

Any other questions, please ask either by email or in the forum.

Thank you!

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Let Lea Ann and I know if you need us to get there early / stay late to help. We also plan to bring some small Tesla give-aways if you need any door prizes. Can’t wait to see everyone. 

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@rickdyeyahoo-com Thanks, Rick. Officers will be there early and late to do the setup/cleanup, so I don’t think we’ll need any help there. Regarding door prizes, someone will be reaching out to you on that.

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@rickdyeyahoo-com Thanks, Rick! That would be awesome.
Can you give me a call (301-651-9317 or email me at 

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Note that any new memberships or name tag purchases made now will not be ready before Saturday (as of yesterday actually).

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The Wednesday update for the rapidly approaching Tesla Owenrs Club of Maryland 2023 Holiday Party is as follows:

  • Ignore my last update about the Best Buy parking lot. We have confirmed there will be no support for parking there. You will be towed, in other words.
  • Related, neither the Tesla Owners Club of Maryland nor Tesla assumes any liability for personal property while attending the holiday party.
  • If you know someone who might be interested in a Tesla test drive, please contact us by replying to this thread. Tesla is looking to do a couple to a few dozen test drives right before and during the party. People doing this get an implicit invite to the party as well.
  • I have confirmed that we will have limited vegetarian and salmon options for catering. Based on the feedback received, there will be enough, but pleaes don't eat a non-meat meal if you don't have to, to make sure there is enough for those that have to. The food should arrive around 6PM.
  • If you would like to volunteer for getting there early (~ 3:30PMish) for setting up, staying late (~ 9PMish) for cleaning up, or helping with parking or the catered food, please let us know.

Unless something else comes up, there probably will not be an update on Thursday 12/14. If you have any questions, please reply to this email or post it in the forum.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
