Central MD March 2024 Tesla Tuesday Location


This Poll is active until 5th of March 2024 17:00:00

Central MD March 2024 Tesla Tuesday Location

It’s time to choose where our next Tesla Tuesday event will be! We queried Club members who registered with an address in Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, and Ann Arundel counties to ask what their recommendations were for a place to meet. If you have another recommendation for a specific place, please add it! Choose up to six options, and the one with the highest number of selections will be where we meet on March 12. One set of choices per person.

This poll is open until 5PM March 5.

The poll has expired!

2024-02-11 Tesla Model 3 Refresh Unveiling

Tesla reached out to the Club for a special event to see the Tesla Model 3 refresh (“Highland”) and be able to take some demo rides. Despite the early time, many folks went to the Montgomery Mall location and were thoroughly impressed with what they saw. See below for pictures of the event.

2023-12-30 TOCMD Light Show

Our Second Annual Tesla Owners Club of Maryland Holiday Light Show, organized again by Tyron Burke, was a success! A grand total of 54 Teslas and their humans congregated on the top floor of a parking garage in Montgomery Mall to synchronize playing “The Arrival.” It took a few tries while carbon-based life forms braved the cold (and the occasional question from Mall Security), but we got it.

Afterwards, some folks grabbed a bite to eat at the California Pizza Kitchen there.

See below for the photographic and video proof.

2023-12-16 Tesla Owners Club of Maryland Holiday Party

The Tesla Owners Club of Maryland Second Annual Holiday Party was held on Saturday, December 16, 2023, once again hosted by Tesla at the Rockville location. Also once again, Capital Wrappers paid for the catering provided by Mission BBQ. Many thanks to those three companies for helping make this event another great success.

Even better, Tesla moved the CyberTruck from its location in Montgomery Mall over to Rockville just for the party, which was much appreciated.

Spaces ran out with the Public membership tier announcement, which is something we expect to happen going forward, so if you do wish to attend future holiday parties, be sure to sign up as a Member (higher tiers get invited first). We had 101 registered attendees not including kids or the Tesla Test Drive guests. Lots and lots of photos and videos were taken, available in the slideshow below. Or watch the YouTube video which is a collection of lots of them.

2023-10-28 Frunk or Treat

Tesla Owners Club of Maryland was happy to support the Frunk or Treat event in Clarksville again. The weather was pretty unusual for the end of October, approaching 80 degrees and sunny (which melted some candy as well as humans in costume), but a good number of kids came out as well.

There was also another Frunk or Treat event that just started up, in Silver Spring MD, right after the Clarksville event. A few of us were able to support that as well.

To see the pictures, please see below.

Monthly Meetup Locations

Monthly Meetup Location – Nov 2023

Note: The Nov 2023 poll is closed.

Where would you like to have a recurring (monthly) meet-up with other Tesla owners? No one location can work for everyone across the state, so we are planning on setting up several meet-ups on different schedules. These schedules will most likely weekdays after work but there may be some weekend events as well. This poll is just to figure out the locations. If none of the ones listed work, feel free to add your own choice (but please make the choice a location). Use comments for further discussion.