Worldwide Star Wars Light Show – Frederick Edition

Get ready for some intergalactic fun! Tesla Owners Group of Maryland and Frederick Maryland Tesla Owners are joining forces to blast off into the Worldwide Star Wars Tesla Light Show.

We'll be gathering at the Frederick Municipal Airport main parking lot from 7 to 730pm on Friday May 3rd. At 730, we'll be escorted to a Grass Field inside the fence for the actual light show. If you're late, your car will miss out, but you can still walk over....

AP1GczNPyvbggd051qjnIgUM9IpJSbDRNwfxzDwEbqk5vyk6efVv-U4gCcBOCcVQi8--Y-F7KppgnWBE54DNjS90BTtoGhzoBB9r3kosPK6XY82CcMk_p2YVK2JuWlD9W88QWuki3kMC2WvfW62yfmIwHw4KeEdHEG6KIUTIIgeqDFe4i94NQER-PRX7CezcV89xhW8H53VCzKBZ1V-o-pkDrhkdkMblZsQg4e883e8BtbnlTQ-bvH5P-BZ4CweOAUVYz_K2uWmJlesfnR9X2NoNYyeDfGauqV3Uw5aMiHV-6RYwUSToabNZ8ZOJIeGKbg1lAw0UADXVV92Ee0OW0G4XY1ORuIeHYggnofEFgVRDsBRYD046YBv0ZDyf7SKVND6bR_km_9WbqZ4pffQF7OjGXG6U4obdJtkEJrM-2Djn1gsV711OwqB68qYLW0p_YLBElbiZSEq6UQPMlvwsnJBjydOp8aQGiU3PplThMDDbdcY-Fqw7WYL_TCCPqyFLqRnB-VDsgORaz8GlnxGe8wxkHUKHWj1iI5ubR7yflWS8LdIB7_IGunYcfWXDC2-MwZogDjbR8vpuKuW-VSYKPKH790xgRKTGPt9eAyNAkBikuy5TVQuKv8SFI_x1M9pER58LytlBoA5CSdDbFpmqvBd90A6iBSa2dXUQPwD3K-HHv4eqfTmfQyS4tGgFXHNhC1wYJA5ZwTsFwmf-_Jyz25PSC8vVXN7-XEu61P3y2IHVsBMRNppztoZfvelwbVPqJkFu3yAWHjJ6-lPM9vPIO0t6zJ5ydx9fw_T87einlhbVTlpWS_UCv06jy55hlUxb2NR3lpWG5G4uGGaRTke0fqcvkznVXiXhf_snGLMTtFVetL6wZPWgqaIju6dKz2SPbE62IISmdrRyDgldUOpLBT94XYF8=w1387-h1040-s-no?authuser=0I encourage you to come early and enjoy dinner at our little inexpensive and delicious diner that is located at the airport: Airways Inn. I'll be there at 6pm to eat!

The event will start to gather at 7 PM at which time we will begin to distribute thumb drives, load, test the light show and organize cars. Followed by the procession to the designated location at 730pm. 

Star Wars themed costumes and light sabers are encouraged! Suit up, grab your light saber, hop in your Tesla - we're going to make the jump to light speed!


Just some additional info for Friday’s event:May be an image of map, road and text that says '72° 52 AQI Way Aviation Bravo Flight Training- BravoFlightTraining BravoFligh Training CREO GE 生 LRT Frederick Municipal Airpor Busier than usual rways Inn of Frederick sier than thanusual usual derick derickFlight... Flight,.. enter, Inc. Frederick FrederickFlightCenter EAA Chapter 524 AviationEducation... Aviation Education... Google 1 ス 让'

Due to the airport location, NO DRONES are allowed, not even the pocket photo ones.

Tell your Tesla to navigate to ‘Frederick Municipal Airport’ and it will bring you to this parking lot. Also known as ‘310 Aviation Way, Frederick, MD 21701’. That’s where we’ll gather at 7pm before moving to the limited-access location at 730pm.

Several of us will be eating right there at the Airways Inn beginning at 6pm

I believe that USB sticks loaded with the Lightshow will be brought and shared. But if you can bring your own blank ones, I’ll have a laptop with the files, and able to transfer, as a backup.

May 3rd, 2024 from  7:00 PM to  9:00 PM
310 Aviation Way
Frederick, MD 21701
United States
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