The Tesla Owners Club of Maryland is the only Official Tesla club in Maryland and DC. This is the member-only group website for the Tesla Owners Club of Maryland and is intended as a place where we help and support our Tesla owner friends and neighbors in Maryland, DC, and the surrounding area. We fully support other official Tesla Owners groups and plan to promote and collaborate with them and other EV and Green groups in the area.
The Club’s Officers are:

President: JD Taylor
JD got involved with electric vehicles in 2013 with the purchase of a Ford Fusion Energi Plug-In Electric Hybrid. He is a member of the Board of Directors for Poolesville.Green and as such, he grew the National Drive Electric Poolesville Day event from a few vehicles to more than 200 vehicles (to the largest NDEW in the world). After the breakup of the Tesla Owners Club Mid-Atlantic, Tesla asked him to create the club for Maryland. JD owns a 2017 Tesla Model X, a Zero SRS motorcycle, and a Rivian R1T. He owns many EGO electric home and garden tools, has Solar City (now Tesla) solar panels, and uses geothermal to heat and cool his home. He belongs to and supports many of the EV clubs and Green groups in the area. He is at his best when creating, supporting, and attending events that confirm a green cause.

Vice President: Jeffrey Cadman
Jeff brings experience from being VP of the Tesla Owners Club Mid-Atlantic, the predecessor to our club. He helped plan and execute several large events drawing owners from around the country to the Mid-Atlantic region. He has worked with other club leaders over the years and he is well versed in the Owners Club program. Jeff has been a Tesla owner since January 2013.

Treasurer: Anh Nguyen
Anh has 10 years of financial education experience, directly managing budgets, establishing, and writing initial program policies, and has a diverse knowledge of the financial world. Also has web development experience.

Media Director: Tyron Burke
Bringing tons of energy with a social eye, Ty joins as Media Director for Tesla Owners Club of Maryland. With over 15 years of Network, Social, and Telecom Experience, he hopes to broaden this EV Community and strengthen the group and share their views through EV knowledge, Social Networking, and Tesla Events. Using the quote, “Have Plug with Travel” he is active lending his wealth of Tesla knowledge to anyone who asks. Tyron has been a Tesla owner since August 2020.

Secretary and Program Director: Michael Matthews
Mike has decades of experience in IT (system administration, architecture, solution engineering, solution architect) and is currently a Services Business Development Manager at work. He is also active with Citizen’s Climate Lobby and gets involved with any worthy climate cause he runs into. He’s had a Model 3 since September 2018, currently with a Model 3 2024.

Club Assistant: Cathy Cortes
Cathy is extremely involved in the club and in life activities and will help keep the club involved and on track. As she says, she is organized, task-oriented, and detail-oriented. She likes to assist others and is good at meeting deadlines.
Web Developer: TBD
Marketing: TBD
If you wish to contact the Club, please use the form below or post a message to the public General Forum if you are already a member and signed in.
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